About Us
Our patterners and friend business was formed in 2020 and is currently developing unique products for BBQ and Outdoors Environment. Our primary focus is to find unique product with more value and development needs to actual environment.
We started due we always find the opportunity to improve regular products in the markets with focus on differentiation and Innovation
Innovation Products
We have been interested and involved in finding solutions products on the market that we can add value and made differentiation.
We have identified a potential need in the BBQ ad outdoor environment market and thought that people may be interested in a new and unique product that have new ideas great look and and solve problem on the day by day use.
We thought that the modern and progressive use would appreciate a new vision in our lineup of products to enjoy every moment with innovated products
We are very excited about our product because of its beauty & particular features. We believe that it will fill a void in the existing outdoor and BBQ market
Our Values:
Innovations in all products and ideas
Entrepreneurial and professional Spirit
To lead by example
To stay committed and honest
To exceed expectations